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So, is it an allergy or is it asthma? Here’s the breakdown:



An allergy is essentially an immune system response–your body is overreacting to a particular substance. Allergies are often caused by substances such as pollen, dust, or pet dander. They can also be caused by foods like shellfish or peanuts.

The symptoms of an allergy include itchy eyes, a runny nose, dry skin, and hives. These symptoms can be treated with medication or by avoiding the allergen. The problem with allergies is that they can trigger a more significant issue, like asthma.


Knowing what sets off your asthma attacks

can help you limit exposure and keep allergies and

asthma at bay.



Asthma is an inflammation of the lungs that can cause shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing. The same substances that can trigger allergies can also trigger an asthma attack (also known as allergy-induced asthma or allergic asthma). Other asthma triggers include exercise, smoking, and stress.

Most people with asthma should take daily maintenance medication to reduce inflammation in the airways. This helps prevent attacks, especially when combined with rescue medication during flare-ups.

Not everyone with asthma has allergies (or vice versa). Regardless, people with asthma should be extra careful about avoiding allergens. Your doctor may treat you with allergy shots or other therapies to manage symptoms, depending on your condition.

The best thing you can do is to know your triggers. Knowing what sets off your asthma attacks can help you limit exposure and keep allergies and asthma at bay.